Thursday, November 04, 2004

This month in layers

It’s an odd year for weather, no? Have you ever noticed yourself saying, “nonono, this is all wrong. It’s only [fill in month here.]” Well this year it listened. October was a perfectly enjoyable month with nice enough temperatures. It didn’t even attempt to snow. And November shows up and sets up camp right on cue. The temperature drops twenty degrees and I found frost on my car.

But I am content. Fighting the weather is like fighting with traffic.

It’s curious though, this nip. Coming down so suddenly, I’ve not had a chance to acclimate. My clothing choices are wrong as I haven’t pulled out the old 25 pound leather jacket that loves me like a puppy. No, more like a seasoned veteran of doggy years, the mellow arthritic but lovable black lab.

I can call my jacket mellow, oui? Arthritic, doesn’t exactly apply.

Anyway, my layers are missing me and my tubby pieces are missing them. Isn’t it beautiful how a girl has no problem with her tubby parts when dressed in multiple layers of clothing? Think I’m joking? Hardly. I read about a study once where women in northern climates are much more at peace with themselves in the winter months.

But can you blame us?

It’s a psychological phenomenon, these layers. Gives us the impression that we’re snuggled up I front of a fire with a nice book or a lovable teddy bear of the male species. Warm happy thoughts all the way in. Dressing in layers is like getting a hug all day long. Now what impressionistic romantic (like the movement, not the novels) young woman wouldn’t go for that?

Hopefully not too many. Wouldn’t want it to get too overpopulated in my neck of the forest.

So for all you cynics out there, try an experiment. Put on a turtleneck and then put on a sweater. Wear it all day long and draw a stick for every happy thought you have during the day. If it’s more than usual, then maybe you won’t ever need actual human companionship for the rest of your life.



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