Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Since I Shouldn't Operate Heavy Machinery...

So here’s the thing about moving in. There’s all that heavy stuff. Not that I have any right to be complaining. I’m just living in the same place I did last semester, so I don’t have to move things like furniture or my library. Ok, not my whole library. But I did expand it quite a bit this summer. Did you know that I have 19 more books now than I did in May? But the new books don’t quite count towards my heavy lifting because 1. I haven’t moved them yet and 2. Most of them are paperback.

No, I was thinking more along the lines of how much effort it takes to go from an empty kitchen to a stocked kitchen. I filled my shopping cart yesterday. I never fill my shopping cart. Mostly I just cover up the bottom and find myself content. But when you’ve got a case of water and a bag of cat food, well that about takes care of covering the bottom of your cart, doesn’t it? And then you add on the canned food and the pasta and the tea… ok, maybe the tea doesn’t quite count… and all of a sudden you’ve got bags of groceries in the double digits. And it’s taking you three trips from your car to your door to get them all in.

And then there’s the biannual textbook relay. How many times do you need to switch arms when walking home with $230 worth of books?

p.s. $230 may not seem like it would buy all that many books, but UMF really understands how far a college-student-dollar is supposed to go. Because $230 bought me 4 classes worth of reading material (8 books all together) a 3 ring binder and a bunch of geometry tools. Are you impressed? I was impressed. How about a round of applause for my lovely university?

Not to mention the moving out I did last Saturday. But that moving was made 50 times easier because it involved a wheelbarrow and no stairs… and no locked doors either, but I think the big thing was probably the wheelbarrow.

Oh, did I tell you that they let me keep the canoe paddle? But that wasn’t even close to heavy, which was a huge bonus, and one of the reasons I liked it so much… and it was an Old Town paddle. Enough said.

On another note, I must apologize for the poor content quality of these recent posts. I haven’t quite got my head on yet (the green tea is still working its way into my system) and my recent reading material has just been sad. We’ll try a Dear Miss Eliza and see if that helps, shall we?


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