Friday, May 06, 2005

The Following is intened to be read in a British Accent... the high class kind thank you very much

Do to an exsessivly stupendous case of burn out htat abloslves me from all gramatical and spelling errors, I am not posting today.


No. I don't see any irony at all in posting to tell you I'm not posting. The idea is absurd.

I blame the burn out. I finished classes today. And by finished I mean that I still have to complete final exams or murder my proffesors in order to be able to leave. I haven't decided which option I'm going with. I would welcome any and all suggestions on the subject.

Yes. I did leave my last post with To be continued... and it's completely unreasonable of me not to tell you what happens so... here we go.

A light bulb went on over Pablo's head. No, I mean the physical kind, because the metaphorical lightbulb may or may not be over used. How did the light bulb find itself in the on postition? Well Pablo was sitting in his car, and Lucy opened the passenger side door so that she could climb inside.

Now if you're wondering when and how Pablo got in the car without your knowledge, ask yourself if you know what your gastronimical bacteria are up to right now.

Where was I? Right. Lucy got in the car, and the light bulb went on over Pablo's head. Oddly enough, the light shut off again once Lucy slammed the door shut, as she was so often wont to do.

To be continued...

I already told you I'm not posting today. Don't you ever listen? Sheesh!

To be continued...


At 5:37 PM, Blogger omar said...

You could always try the finals without really studying. If you don't do well, then resort to murder. Having that be your first option is probably not good.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

but there's good, and then there'e Good. and it might not be good, but does that automaticaly disqualify it from Good? Hmmmmm.


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