Friday, November 05, 2004

Lets try Again Shall We?

My first Comment!

"Are you seriously pretentious enough to imply that more than half of this country is filled with idiots? Are you also so naïve and divisive as to think that anyone who even remotely disagrees with your perspective is simply following a sheep dog? Who, pray tell, are you barking after? Buried deep beneath your self-proclaimed individuality is a well-hidden, maybe even undiscovered amalgam of pantheism, transcendentalism and cynicism, none of which are original with you. You’re the mad scientist mixing a little bit of this, and a dash of that until you hold up a concoction labeled ‘intelligent’ and shout, “Eureka, I have found it!” But what has made this a sad, sad thing is your declaration of idiocy upon all who will not drink. It’s one thing to lie in a puddle of quasi-intellectual goo. It’s another thing to smear it across your body and laugh at all the “dirty people”.As for your accusation that I’m “ignorant and the braindead (by choice, not by birth)” – because I ‘spoke’ when I voted for Bush – this is almost as unfounded as the accusation that I would invite anyone to dance! This is also probably the flimsiest moment of your post. You demonstrate that you don’t understand the concept of preaching. The not-so-subtle implication that the preacher is a propagandist (and Moore is a martyr?!) is Biblically unfounded. True preaching is expounding the truths of God’s Word. If you don’t like the fact that preachers oppose abortion, please get on your knees and tell Divinity to get things straight. If you don’t like the fact that preachers oppose homosexuality, please shake your fist at the Heavens and tell him you “didn’t like the way he got things done”. If you don’t like preaching against sexual immorality, then tear your Bible into pieces.I could talk about the holes in your political comments, but I think I’ve addressed the most important issues here. Your candidate was courteous and respectful, Sarah. Why don’t you try that sometime?

I’ll try, but as you can see I’m a bad person and not very good at it (seriously, I mean that. Not sarcasm.). So here goes.

Obviously, I’m as completely baffled as every other member of the “liberal” media. I do not understand 59 million people in this country. Voters this year said that morality trumps the economy or the threat of terrorism or the war in Iraq. But I don’t get it. To me (and I’m wrong) morality in this case means that stem cell research and abortions and gay marriage are all bad.

But (and again I’m wrong here) why are these issues of morality more important than issues of tax cuts to the rich and not to the poor? What about the morality of all the people dying in Iraq, our soldiers, our civilians, their soldiers and their civilians? To which the answer is always, “the strong have a responsibility to the weak.” But why does that work for nation building in other countries and unborn people here at home, but not sick people?

And I don’t understand why you have faith in this leader. I don’t understand why you believe his words just because he says them. But maybe you don’t believe his words just because he says them. Maybe there is a thought process in between that no one has ever explained to me. I don’t understand why you defend his every single move. And it is my further impression (wrong again) that due to this complete and utter defense of everything that you think the man is infallible and I know that this has to be wrong and again it baffles me. I don’t understand how you know that he isn’t just playing the religious card to get you on his side.

As for my opinion of preachers, the cynic in me dosen't understand how you can discount the human element. True preaching expounds upon God's Word, but what about the rest of it? What about the days where they do everything short of endorsing the candidate? I don't understand how you get to that point from expounding upon God's Word. I don't understand when where or if they draw lines between personal opinion and this expounding. But then I also don't know when where or if I could draw such lines myself. I don't trust a preacher to make my decisions any more than i trust my parents or players on my favorite baseball team, or my personal hero.

You all have also given me the impression that you think it is all right for the United States to install a pro-us government in every country in the world and I don’t understand why that has to be. I don’t understand what moral judgments you use to come to that conclusion.

As for me, I am impetuous. I am not a good person. I am NOT in any way shape or form smart. I’m not even right. And I am sure as hell not original. I do not claim to be the first person to say ANYTHING that I have written up to this point. I am not the first person to tell others to do their own thinking. I’m not the first person to ask people to question authority.

But I am my own sheep dog. I believe in my right to rebel against you and i believe in your right to rebel against me. Which 59 million of you have. My initial response to such tells me that i still have some work to do to make my actions fit my thoughts.

I may not make the right decisions, but I do make them for myself. Yes, I am a mad scientist picking and choosing and concocting. And in the end I have invented: me. And I may be Frankenstein’s monster. Actually, i'd have to be to deliver a blow as low as insulting a voter's intelligence. I do believe that somewhere between then and now I have lost my conscience. And maybe that’s the reason that I would not trade the person I am now for the person I used to be.


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