Friday, April 01, 2005

Game Day

So I’ve been awake for all of half an hour, and already I’m bursting with today’s blog entry. See, I had the idea while I was toiletrying in the bathroom this morning, and as soon as I was out, it was zip zap to the computer. NO, no, it’s not that I’m trying to be a goody two shoes:

Ooh, look at her the little do gooder. The Blogger’s pet, she just wants to make us look bad.
(We make ourselves look bad enough. We don’t need help from the rest of the world. Am I right? Who’s with me?)

It’s more that my fun idea… because a blog by any other name is a fun idea… may or may not stick around long enough to fiddle with if I don’t fiddle as you read this.

So here’s things. I’ve come up with a couple really fun games in the space of twenty minutes. This two fer is really a deal, considering how often it is that I come up with games… at least games with rules. So here goes.

Yes, it’s an off shoot of my blog yesterday. I know it’s not kosher to go harping on this one idea, but then this game came up and bought me a drink, and it’s all downhill from there. You know how it is.

Anyway, here’s how to play. Person One (for our purposes we’ll call him One) names several people. Ex. Ruth Ginsberg, Beverley Cleary, and Lucy Lawless. Then persons Two through whatever (for our purposes we’ll call them Two through whatever) have to come up with a sentence starting with They, where They is all the people that One mentioned.

Sadly, due to people’s dearly lacking creativity skills, we are forced to add more rules. Your sentence has to be at least ten words long, three of them having more than three syllables, and you have to have a verb, an adjective and a (dreaded) adverb in the sentence. None of this "They are nice," crap. Scrabble may go for it, but not me. If it’s not challenging it’s not educational.

Then all players vote on the best sentence, unless you only have One and Two, in which case you play until you get hit over the head by a foul ball. In this case, the one who’s still alive wins.

Better known as "What Would W Say?

NOTE: While I realize that in the blog society it is proper to write Dubyah or something similar, as with all my other Bushisms, this one is purposian, and for effect.

NEXT NOTE: I understand that he’s given up his fun habit of rewordification, which is why this isn’t a drinking game. But just because he’s decided not to play this game anymore, doesn’t mean we can’t. He did inspire it after all, and it is the natural way of things to enjoy our leaders’ soft spots. Monkeys do it too. Just watch. And if nothing happens, watch longer.

Anyway, I’m sure you can all guess how this game goes. Person A (we’ll call him Person A for our purposes) shouts out a word. Then Person B (we’ll call him Person B) shouts out a modificationism of that word. Then Person C (who may or may not exist) shouts out another modifcationality. And round and round it goes until some one can think of any more modifiscetomations, at which time he yells "Nuculear!" and you start over again.

And remember, as with all games, so it goes with these. The fun isn’t in winning or losing. The fun is how you get there.


At 12:45 PM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Why do I feel like I ought to answer in the form of a question? That's not one of the rules.

They're co-writing an autobiography together, a tome without equal, a tale without a wagger.


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