Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Cupidity of Clouds

Is it me, or do clouds remind you a lot a lot of cupid?

Not really in the romantic matchmaking sense, but let’s face it. Cupid is a brat who likes to stir things up and see what happens.

-Hmmm, a stockbroker and a hippy? Now that’s entertainment. This is going to be good. We’re talking golden arrow award for "Most Volatile Relationship" here. I’d better write a speech.

-Hey, that biker chick has been sitting at the bar alone all night. I should hook her up with the janitor. Mom would freak!

Get it? It’s a game. And why shouldn’t it be? If I could make people fall head over heels I’d want to see how far I could take it, try new combinations all the time. Fiddle with ye mere mortals. The practical joke is one of our highest art forms.

This is why the celestial manager saw fit not to give me any power. I would totally abuse it. And have a wicked good time doing it.

Clouds are like that too. They've got a high level of cupidity, the rambuntious little devils. They understand they hold a certain sway over our daily workings, and they like to play with that. And again I can’t really blame them?

An outdoor wedding, huh? It’s so romantic huh? Do you have any idea what I can throw at you? Hail will do nicely, I think. But no sun. That’s so too easy. Come on, be a little creative, please.

Dude, check this out. See that guy down there, shoveling his car out of that snow pile left over from last night? Check this out. I’ve got another three feet for him starting now. Watch what he does, ready?

Oh so you think that just because it’s nice and sunny out, you can take a long canoe ride into the middle of the lake? You think you’re better than me, don’t you? Try again, buster.

And the oldest entertainment in human history? You know, laying on your back and watching the clouds and using them as Rorschach’s tests? Clouds won’t even stay in one shape. They keep switching on you?

See that one? Doesn’t that look like a clown?
What? Where?
That bulge up front, that’s it’s nose, see? And it’s got the bald head and huge eyes… no wait, now it’s a buffalo.
Nope. Sorry, all I’m seeing is a mermaid smoking a cigar.
You’ve got issues.

See? It’s all about playing with us and between us and on top of us, just to get a reaction. And boy, don’t we! Need proof?

1. I’ve done this blog since November. What is my most common topic? The weather.
2. When people talk about the weather, what’s the ratio of good comments to negative comments? I’m thinking 20% good 80% bad.
3. Any life worth living is outside a significant portion of the day (one would hope) and to be outside is to be in the weather and to be in the weather is to be affected by the weather, and to be affected by the weather is to opine about the weather, and to opine about the weather is to react to the weather, and the clouds have won.

But on the other hand, isn’t it worth it anyway?


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