Saturday, April 09, 2005

Stephen King Throws Like A Girl

Yes, I saw Fever Pitch. What did you expect? I’m one of… you know… those people. And I can relate. Do you know how hard it is to try and keep baseball talk to a reasonable amount in this blog because of all those other people out in the world? It’s WAY harder than not talking about myself. So we’ll see.

But about that movie…

It had its great points.

-Tek makes an appearance, and I think I got a half second shot of Nomar which is always good for my heart. Unless it wasn’t him. It was hard to tell in half a second.
-Ben’s green monster wall? Classy. Nice touch. I like seeing that Ben has his priorities straight… -Red Sox, sex and breathing? That’s such a good line.
-The sound track. Dirty Water, Sweet Caroline, Tessie. They know how to pull heart strings, those ones.
-The Bill Bucker intervention? Dead on.

And it’s got evil nasty points.

They definitely downplayed the whole Red Sox thing. I know that sounds illogical, but they did. The choice seems to have been made. Lets make this about the fans. And we fans LOVE to talk about ourselves. All Ben’s philosophizing on the subject is dead on. Dead on in that we do spend an awful lot of time philosophizing about our fandom (and looking down on Yankees fans. Seriously people, booing Mariano Rivera? What is wrong with you!!?)

But let me explain something. Reveling in Red Sox fans is like eating condiments. It’s not the most attractive part of the meal. We need the food, we need the actual nutritional value. We need the Red Sox! Where’s that post season eight game winning streak? Where’s all the Yankee hating? Come on, the least you could do is have one disparaging remark on the subject of A-Rod. That July 23 game? Hello! It’s like they thought the movie was supposed to be about the plot or something. I mean, come on.

So I’ve been one of… well, you know… for a few years now. A relative new comer, I’m pretty low on the totem pole. This doesn’t bother me. I know my place. But still, I’ve learned things. For example, we get emotional about these games. We pout when we lose, we jump up and down when we win. Ben was disturbingly level headed throughout the movie. I blame this on Jimmy Fallon. And why the Farley brothers let him get away with that is beyond me. They should know better.

Then there’s nitpicking.

Let me explain something. If it’s September and Schilling pitches on Saturday, Pedro is not pitching on Sunday. Kudos for ever, Ben would not have let that comment by Linsdey slide, but his line should have been, "Schilling’s pitching Saturday, Arroyo’s going on Sunday." Come on, they can’t have totally forgotten the rotation: Pedro, Wake, Schilling, Arroyo, Lowe. (And this was the September rotation. For most of the year Lowe was #4.)

The F in Bucky F. Dent does not stand for Friggin. Nobody says Bucky Friggin Dent. I can see their reluctance to use harsher language, but still. Some things are just wrong enough to hit a chord.

Remember that half shot of Nomar? That was supposed to be at Fenway Opening Day. But he wasn’t in the lineup Opening day. He was on the DL most of the first half of the season… and with the Cubs most of the second half of the season… so yeah. Unless it wasn’t really Nomar. Could have been Tek. I was going by the go-tee.

So it’s got issues. Which I understand. The movie was not made for Red Sox fans it was made for everyone. And y’all might have a hard time relating if the movie was concocted as Red Sox Nation intended it. But this is not so hard to remedy. We are patient people. We can wait for the DVD. But what I want is an RSN cut. So put Tek/Damon/Nixon’s lines back in. More Yankee stuff. You can’t just act like the rivalry is all about toilet paper and getting tickets to their games. More post season stuff. This cannot be stressed enough. More post season.

Join with me in a petition to put the Red Sox back in Red Sox fan!


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