Sunday, April 03, 2005

Yankee Hating: It's just not a Choice Anymore

It’s hard not to hate the Yankees. I know because I’ve tried. Once upon a time in the earliest halcyon days of red sox fandom youth (clunky, yes. But it says what I wanted it to.) I was an idealist.

"I like the Red Sox, but I don’t hate the Yankees," I told people. They smiled and nodded. It’s a gesture I’ve become very familiar with. And I thought it would work. Honest. But then something happened.

The Red Sox played the Yankees.

There wasn’t anything special about this series. I don’t remember a single thing about it except that we lost. More than one game. Hmmm.

This was a problem for me. I tend to take losing personally. And just as suddenly as I had developed my Red Sox fixation, I acquired my Yankee Hater badge.
And things went downhill from there.

2003 ALCS.

A-Rod. (For the record, I was always a Garciappara girl. A-Rod was unwelcome from the very beginning. I didn’t mind him going to the Yankees either. But then he tried to pick a fight with Dear Mr. Arroyo, and ended up with a face full of glove courtesy of Dear Mr. Varitek. Now tell me that wasn’t personal. And do I even need to mention Game 6 ALCS 2004? So if my babies want to take pot shots at this creep and put it all on the record, well, who am I to stop them?)

So if bad/stupid things happen to members of the Yankees roster (for example, say the Yankees starting pitcher gets a little upset after a loss and relieves this aggression by punching a wall, and as a result he breaks his hand) you can bet I’m going to be sitting right here with a smirk on my face.

But then, I never said I was a good person… unless I did, in which case, I was lying.
And now, this is all ancient history. And the Red Sox came from Three Games Down, and we’ve spent the winter gloating. Which, while pleasurable, is also a good way to set yourself up for an incredibly painful Opening Day.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m rooting for the Red Sox (because, while not genetically inclined, I’m a hopeless Yankee hater) but when you add our recent opening day history to the New and Improved Yankees pitching staff, it could get ugly. Riot police part deux? I wouldn’t rule it out.
And as for me, I’ve got my Red Sox hat… and swat shirt… and t-shirt… and my red socks and I’m hoping to enter a land with many soft throwable objects and intoxicating beverages.

But my cussing is a little rusty. I forgot about my spring training. Oops.

p.s. Today is a double dose of Signs of Spring (triple if you include the flooding) because we change our clocks today. Doesn't it give you warm fuzzies all over when you go ouside at 7:00 and find the sun hovering there on the horizon to say hello? It doens't get any better than Baseball and seven o'clock sunsets. Life is good.


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