Sunday, September 18, 2005

Cliché Busters: Little People Are Scary

So yes, I’m tired of people saying that little people are scary, disturbing, creepy, diabolic, or mermaids. It happens a lot. In fact, I hear this so frequently… the mermaid bit especially… that I’m ready to call the whole mind set a cliché.

When you think about it, there are so many better things to find disturbing. For instance, are you ever weirded out when you walk into a general store? More specifically, a general store in a town that you didn’t grow up in? And it’s not the set up, so much as the hostile flying saber vibes given off by everyone in the store. And you can feel them thinking, “Now why in Hades would someone like that be in a store like this?” Now that’s something worth getting disconcerted about.

Or what about the E! Network. Creepy peppy Stepford people who want to make sure that I know EVERYTHING about every famous person on the planet. Because it is so any of my business why Sandra Bullock broke up with Matthew McConaughey or who’s marrying her co-star from the Apprentice, or why Kristie Alley can’t stop having sex. And the bad part is, that enough people watch this to make people want to advertise, which keeps the thing on the air.

And need I mention how sketchy carnies are?

So what’s the big deal about little people? And how come no one ever gets worked up about pygmies? I mean, they’re cannibals. They are strangely colored. They work for Willy Wonka. Why are these characteristics so easy to ignore? Why can you just shrug a pygmy out of your consciousness so easily, but someone who acts just like you but is half your size gets way more attention and emotion?

That was pathetically expressed. But you see my point. Not only is it boring and out of style (you heard it here first) to get the heevy geevies from little people, it’s also illogical. PLUS, you also have an availability of actually creepy people who are half your size. So go pick on them for a while.


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