Saturday, March 12, 2005

Are People weird?

Are people weird?


All people? No. Some of them are normal.

You’re sure about that? You’ve met normal people before?

Yes, I have.

How do you know they’re normal?

They don’t have all those weird corners everywhere for people to trip on.

I’ve never tripped on anyone before. Well there was one time, but that was because Brian stuck
his foot out. He was trying to trip me though. He laughed at me after I fell and said, "Enjoy the trip?" He was always a bully.

People are always tripping me. Last week in line at the cinema, the guy behind me in line tapped me on the shoulder and asked me, "excuse me, what movie are you going to see?" I told him. "Oh, I’ve heard that’s supposed to be excellent. I’ve also heard it was terrible. Why can’t those critics all come to a general consensus?"

You didn’t know him?

Never met him before in my life.

It’s fun though, isn’t it? To get tripped like that? I bet he was cute. Did he have a nice butt? Did he give you his number?

Sometimes it’s fun. Of course, One does have to be in a generally fun loving mood for that. Otherwise, it can just tire you out, never being able to relax like that. Some people have no sense of timing.

That’s a funny thing to say.

How so?

You’re talking about people and corners and tripping. It means being caught off guard. If you
know it’s coming then it’s not something you’re going to stumble on are you? It’s supposed to be the wrong time by definition.

But there’s a right time and a wrong time for everything. There’s good tripping (the one where you look like a clown and laugh at yourself) and bad tripping (where you fall down a well and break your ankle and no one finds you for three days) and one must know the difference to protect oneself.

No, no, no. To pick and choose your tripping experiences takes away the tripping all together. You have to be open to any kind of trip or you aren’t tripping, you’re just playing games with your feet. Easy games too, like solitaire. It’s cheating.

Does that take away the fun?

Do you have fun playing solitaire?

Not really.

Well there you go.

But what if life isn’t about surprises? You can have a perfectly scrumptious day where everything goes just as you always imagined it. Happens to me all the time.

How silly. Surprise is the magic of life. Literally. There’s something so mystical about things you were not expecting.

Like a leak in your roof? Those always come as a shock to me.

Maybe that’s what people mean when they’re talking about black magic.

Har har.

You think I’m off base here?

I’m wondering if you’re looking too deep. Why does everything have to have ten levels of meaning? Just take things at face value. Labels and isms and grand philosophies of the meaning of life only serve to make the people that think about them feel like they’re better than people who don’t.

Is that even possible?

Isn’t that what it means to live in a red state?

Low blow.

Sorry. But yes, it is possible. I once had a boyfriend who liked to talk about two things. Snowmobiling and bird hunting. We’re talking 70% of conversation was either one or the other. Pretty one sided ones too. What could I say about snowmobiling or bird hunting? "wow" or "Gosh" or something equally as expressive. And if I managed to bring up something else, politics or religion or board games, he managed an equal number of grunts or "wows" or goshes." So yes, some people can live quite happily in two dimensional worlds. Some of us are not so lucky.

You make it sound so exotic.

I think I envy them sometimes.

In that bliss that follows ignorance kind of way.


But they must find us just as exotic.

No, I’d say they just think we're weird.

So the feeling's mutual.


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