Saturday, March 05, 2005

Don't Panic!

So it’s taken me a while in my blissfully ignorant tv-less state, to discover this but Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy comes out April 29.

Now, you are reading my blog, so by definition I care about you, Right? Right. So I’m going to give you a little advice. But don’t look at it as advice, or you’ll never follow it. I know I don’t. It’s a rule. Think of it as a blog entry instead. Because I’m note sure whether y’all have noticed this or not but it is, so life gets exponentially easier.

Here’s the thing. Now’s a good time to read the book. You’ve got somewhere around two months to do it, so if you’re a slow reader, starting sometime soonerish is a good thing.

Why read the book? I’m glad you asked. And here presented are several compelling answers.

1. So that you can utter this sentence in a snooty condescending manner just like mine. "It was charming and endearing and fabulously witty, but the book was better." A vital verbalization to put next to any adaptation from the literary genre. It wouldn’t be a book made into a movie without it, and you know you want to get in on the put-downs.

2. The movie coming out is a wonderful excuse for those of you who read it before and fell madly in love to rekindle the passion all over again. Such is my personal story, having no money, and not having had a chance to get to the library, I was stumped this morning as to which book I ought to take to the gym with me. Mine don’t seem to last very long, over break I finished three in three days, but anyway… So I decided to go for an old classic. You guessed it. The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide. (BTW, a very sound investment considering the first book isn’t enough, save a couple bucks and get all six books.) While it will be Long closed by the time April 29 comes to visit, the idea was fresh in my head and blah blah.

3. Read it to be in the know. You know Towely from South Park? Do you know why he’s a towel? Granted Hitchhiker’s references haven’t inundated our culture to the extent that Monty Python has, but it still make you feel smart to catch these references when they show up. Just so that you’ll know, this is also fabulous reason to stay up to date in current events. Then when you are reading Newsweek (or really any paper with an editorial page) you can understand those cartoons. You know the ones. Bonus, you’ll know all the answers on that quiz show that NPR does on Saturday morning about all the things that happened in the news this week.

4. What you need more? How about "It was charming and endearing and fabulously witty, but the book was better," only without that last part? Yeah that sounds good.

Expanding away from the point of this blog entry (who, me?) I’d just like to say that this April is going to be really good. Between this and Fever Pitch (which whether I like it or not I’m going to get a kick out of because… well… you understand…) and the beginning of baseball again (!!!) I think I’m going to have a good time.

p.s. I’d like to start a movement if you don’t mind. People go to star wars and LOTR dressed up as their favorite character (either that, or the easiest one to invent) right? Well, I’m not asking for that much, just take a towel with you as a show of solidarity. Be cool. Take a towel. That’s my new motto.


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