Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dear Miss Eliza Blows a Bubble

Dear Miss Eliza,
I am a blower of bubbles. A gentle way to soothe a harried soul. But it is true that there has been one question on the nature of bubbles that I have never found an answer for. Why do bubbles float out into the great wide hostile universe? Why do they not stay close to home where the air is safe and life affirming?
- Bubble Boy

Dear Bubble Boy,

Once upon a bubble
A bubble came to be
To float upon the universe
Aloft and flighty free

He rafted down a mountain top
He galloped through the snow
He danced upon to river bank
To whither it did go.

And when the sun grew quiet
The breezes tucked in tight
Dear bubble plucked a drop of dew
Close by a fairy sprite

Miss Fairy spied this bubble
And right away she knew
her true love had come at last
to share her drop of dew.

The fairy and the bubble
Were joined in jubilee
Together they did dance with stars
And laugh with rippling sea.

Now if you ever wonder
Why bubbles float away
They are in search of fairies
True loves for every day.

- Miss Eliza