Monday, May 02, 2005

Mr. 500

Well it looks like mysterious #500 has no desire to show himself. But since I was all excited about doing something, I’m going to do it anyway. If you happen to be #500, and are reading this, please do not feel insulted at all the scandalous, possibly libelatory, things I’m going to say. You forfeited your right to an actual history a long time ago. And if you like this one better, feel free to use it, just don’t forget to say that I am your source.

So without further ado, is the life and times of Mr. 500, better known as Leo.

Born in 1978, Leo grew up in a small rural area of eastern Wisconsin. His father was a molecular biologist, who taught classes at the local community college where he met Leo’s mother, a janitor, one night as she was singing while mopping up a leaky toilet in the men’s room. He told her that he could make her a singing sensation, and the rest is history.

As a child Leo developed an exquisite taste for the local cheese, which to this day remain “fromages.” For many years, he had intended to inherit his ailing grandfather’s dairy farm, but his life bumbled off on to a dramatic side track (as lives are apt to do) one day in late ’96.

The actual details are a little sketchy, but as with all good stories, it’s worth talking about. As far as I have been able to piece together, it was around this time that Leo was first introduced to political science. It was his senior year in high school, and this interest manifested itself after Leo discovered that he had a crush on his current events teacher during the hooplah surrounding that year’s presidential election.

The crush never amounted to anything (though he still sends her Christmas cards each year), but his political fetish bloomed. Just about the time he was thinking about running for the local school board, he heard something on the radio about a woman named Monica Lowinski, and that night he had a dream, a vision really, so sacred that he will not speak of it to anyone.

But this dream, this vision, molded the course that he was on. He denounced his still ailing grandfather, and ran off to New York, the news mecca of our culture, to learn the ropes of what he now understood to be his calling in life: political cartooning.

And that’s where he is today, renting a flat in the big city, he has a drawing board and a pencil, and is perfectly content to read newspapers and watch CNN and FNC, and to apply his old fashioned Wisconsin humor to anything unlucky enough to cross his path. Alas for him, there is not so much money in this sort of life style, he’s been forced to take a second job as a soda jerk in a 50s style drug store where the women all wear poodle skirts and the young men don’t want to be square.

This is far and away not the life he envisioned for himself living in Wisconsin and tasting fromages, but when life goes the way you planned it, you know you must have taken a wrong turn back there somewhere.

I still intend to keep track of future readers who hit future special numbers. If you would like me to invent your biography, just be the lucky number (100x where x= any number ever) and e-mail me your name, and tell me how you want it to end. you can find me at


At 7:27 PM, Blogger K. Bartlett Jr. said...

This's bull! I was 500 but i was too shy to mention it! Whaddo I win?

At 4:18 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Coongradulations! "I was 500 but I was too shy to mention it" is the password to door #3. What does he win Alex?

Why it looks like a brand new history, complete with two fictitious jobs he can brag about to all the women in his life. NOt to mention he's got a fabulous new ailing grandfather with a dairy farm, and a great pallatte for cheese. Lucky bum.

At 4:22 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Oh, and you've also got the choice to changing your name to Leo, not to mention the fun new question you get to ask yourself before trying anything new, "What would Leo do?"

At 8:10 AM, Blogger omar said...

I'm #555. Sure it's not one of the hundred milestone numbers, but it's neat. It's all 5's.

I want a milk bag.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

I care very much about the health of my readers. Why? Becaue I want them to live long, full lives so they can continue to visit this site every day. This said,

i'm sorry, but it's not in the best interests of your mental health to grant your request. My therapist and i have taken countless hours to work through my milk bag trauma, not to mention the group therapy. I don't want this to happen to you. This is for your own good.

But 555 is worthy of a prize. So I'm going to bequeath you a new phone number. From here on out, people will be able to reach you by dialing 555-0555. If that doesn't jive with you, feel free to pick a different 4 digit number. It's all up to you.


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