Friday, April 29, 2005

What Color Is Your Towel?

In case you are keeping track, it has now been four posts since my last Dear Miss Eliza. While I normally stick another column in right about here, I'm afraid that's impossible today because no one in the world is even slightly curious about anything. Oh what a feeble race we have degenerated into. I'd like to comfort you, and say it's all going to get better... but I don't want to lie to you. (I bummed that one off the American Beauty screenwriter(s) so don't give me credit for it or evil, stinking, nasty, STDs will attack you with fervor.)

So instead of Miss Eliza, I'm going to turn into Concerned Older Sister. And because I care about you, I want you to know that there's this movie opening today called Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. From what little I've investigated about it, there's this itsy bitsy chance that it might even live up to its potential. What Potential?

Why all the potential that Douglas Adams could stuff into his book/radio program/any other incarnations of Hitchikker's Guide To The Galaxy that I'm not fully aware of. And believe me, he crammed a LOT of potential into that book. You know that the graph for a tangent looks like? How it's got all those lines stretching all the way up to infinity? Well, that's pretty much a measure of the potential endowed to Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy... the book. If the movie lives up to the potential of a sine wave, I'll consider that worthy.

Has anyone noticed that I'm writing a critique of this move before I've actually seen it? A terrible idea, I know, and one that I could easily be ashamed of tomorrow morning, by which time I will have seen the movie. But we'll let tomorrow be tomorrow, and if this glowing recommendation turns out to be very poorly assigned, well, I guess I'll just have to write a REAL critique. And if it's worth writing a REAL critique, then you know it's going to be worth reading a REAL critique, because would I lead you astray, my young and impressionable siblings?

p.s. If you have some relief for this Miss Eliza drought, questions can be directed to the comments page or to miss eliza personally at must the dry spell continue?


At 8:32 AM, Blogger omar said...

Hm. I read and re-read this post a couple of times, and I still am not sure about the title...

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Two huge vastly important rules of hitchhiking in the galaxy:
1. Don't panic
2. Always carry a towel.

If I'm not mistaken, Towelie on south park is an outgrowth of #2. But most galactic towels don't smoke, though they can be nutritious if you make them so.

You've GOT to read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, or better yet, The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide which includes 6 (I think it's 6) of Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker novels. If you find that intimidating, jsut call them novellas instead.

Anyway, the book(s) are definitely worth any amount of time you put into reading them, so go out and find a copy. Now! What are you waiting for? Go!

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Actually I think it's more of a berries thing than a nuts thing. Possibly even further up the food chain, say wild salmon.

I sound like a bear now. that's odd. Well, not odder or anything, just a regular amount of odd.

At 1:49 PM, Blogger omar said...

As one might note from a previous post on my blog, I fear books. My inability to catch that reference is exactly what I was afraid of!

All I do is read your blog... why do you hurt me so?

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

BUt you would have nothing to fear if you read these books because you'd understand what everyone is talking about.

Good example, also from HGG: The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42. (what's the question that this answers? We don't know.)

42 is also the number of Mulder's Apartment in the X-files. Coincedence? Do you really believe in those things?

Me? I like to knw what other people are talking about when they talk. I like to understand the jokes that people make about current events. 80% of the reason that I pay attention to current events in the first place is so I can find all those editorial jokes you find in newspapers and Newsweek and Doonesbery amusing.

Understanding makes you feel very smart and also like you belong, because these things are all versions of inside jokes.

And believe me, it's well worth the effort. Especially the effort required to read a darling, precious book like Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

I appologize if my last comment came across as harsh, and scarred you for life. This was not the intent.

And remember, books are good for the soul. Someone will back me up on that, won't they?

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Judgement post movie viewing: A lovely movie. Martin freeman is perfect as Arthur Dent. Mos Def was good too, but I thought he could slow down no problem and not hurt things.

I was dissapointed that there were no people flying. I know flying didn't enter the HHG series until much later in this book, but it wouldn't have been too hard to fit it in somewhere.

Slartibartfast was REALLY cool, and Zaphod was a lot of fun, and Marvin the robot was adorable.

Even so, it wasn't completely fulfilling. I wouldn't say it reached sine wave potential, possibly living up to it's first derivitive, the cosine. (A little trig humor for you there, sorry.)


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