Wednesday, April 27, 2005

When In Doubt Look To The Numbers

I'm finding that people counters on my blog are much more useful than one would think. Not only do they give my self esteem a much needed kick in the pants (In that loving way that only a people counter can accomplish with any authority... you know of what I speak) It also gives you a fairly fascinating topic, whenever you're suffering from th ever dreaded bloggers block.

Lets say that nothing worth discussing with the world at large has occured to you in recent times. Normally, this is where you would insert one of your painful attempts at actual fiction writing, but you're not in the mood today. Because for some reason you've got this feeling that real fiction isn't nearly as satisfying as fake fiction, because you're telling a story, which is completely different from lying... you know of what I speak.

So you're stuck. Topicless. Hung out to dry. And those bloodthirsty readers that you imagine are actually paying attention to you (ahhh, the imaginary audience... you know of what I speak) are clamoring out there for another installment! You've got bubkus! You're empty! You've been watching too much TV (is this a new recurring theme that will be surfacing whenever I'm not paying attention? Probably) and your brain looks like that ad where the guy's frying the egg! What are you going to do?

And the Lord sends a miracle. Manna typed from heaven floats gently down and touches your computer screen. You look at your people counter, and lucky you! You've hit another one of those hundred people milestones! This one happens to be 400 which happens to be twice the number since the last time you wrote about your loving (granted blood thirsty) audience. You are golden. You are saved. Your fans will have food for their starving mental palates this evening. Life can continue.

Random question (which is really the ONLY truly cool type of question... you know of what i speak) does anyone happen to know who was lucky # 400? Cuz I've got this fabulous idea involving you and me and a gallon of antibacterial soap...

I jest. But anyway, from here on out, keep an eye on my people counter, and if you happen to be one of those cool numbers ending in 00, pop me off an e-mail ( and I'll feature you in a prominant-yet not at all painful-featurette. it'll be like hosting SNL, I promise.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger omar said...

Hm. 426. I'm just part of the imaginary audience though, so perhaps it didn't even count me.

At 4:10 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

Don't worry, I don't think computers have imaginaions. At least not in the sense that we do. Just think about how boring it would be to daydream in binary.

To all those binary daydreamers in my imaginary audience, I appologize for my crass, insulting remarks about you.


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