Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dear Miss Eliza: Datebook recipes

Dear Miss Eliza,
I need to learn better time management skills. Any ideas?
Scatterbrained in Scarborough

Dear Scatterbrained,
Do you know the one spot in your house that has the most extra space lying around? I do. It’s the "greens" compartment in your refrigerator. And the best part is that it’s even intended for storing things.

Now, you may wonder, "but Dear Miss Eliza, what on earth am I supposed to store in this bin?"
Well, as my Paddy used to say, "There’s nothing like a nice crisp thought." And he was right. Now think about the temperature of your brain. Roughly 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, right? Nothing stays crisp at 98.6, the idea is absurd. So what would happen if you took all those thoughts you weren’t using at the moment, and stuck them someplace cool and dry. They would be crisper right? Which is exactly what the greens compartment is for. Why do you think they say "Crisper" on them?

Plus, keeping excess brain activity in an external source is going to allow the things that are actually in your brain at any given moment, to be processed in a much more timely fashion. And isn’t timely the name of the game in time management?

That’s what I thought.
Miss Eliza

Dear Miss Eliza,
So, I’ve got this skiing habit that’s been getting pretty expensive lately. Is there any way you know to cut costs in this area?
ski bunny in a hole

Dear ski bunny,
Second hand shops are the way to go. If I can find a used winter coat at Goodwill for $10, why shouldn’t I be able to find a used lift ticket for next to nothing. Not to mention, I’ve never, ever seen a lift line when I was in Goodwill. Or in any other thrift shop, now that you mention it... which I believe that you did... but I may be mistaken.

But why pay for a lift ticket in the first place? If you’re not using the lift, you shouldn’t need to pay for its ticket. You just hike up sometime during foliage season, and hang out for a couple months, until you get enough powder to get you down.

Choice three: ski in your sleep. It’s just as good, but you only have to spend dream currency, and that’s equivalent to Monopoly money. (I take that back. You still have to buy a Monopoly game to get Monopoly money. And those things are not cheap.) In fact, one could argue that in a dream one feels much more powerful emotions, therefore the rush from your dream run will be extensively better than the physical one that you'd have to actually pay for. Not to mention, in your dream you can fly. On the slopes you can only fall with style. (That's not an origional. Where did I get that quote from. Anyone?)

Well, I hope that helps, ski bunny. If all else fails, there’s always rehab.
- Miss Eliza


At 10:38 PM, Blogger glo said...

Ski in your sleep. You are always so classic. That mouse knows his stuff.

At 4:46 AM, Blogger Sarah Eliza said...

not to mention that skiing in your sleep when you're pregnant is better for your baby than listening to Mozart


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