Monday, December 05, 2005

Dear Miss Eliza's Wish List

Dear Miss Eliza,
I’m making up a list of things I’m giving to people for Christmas, and I got to your name and realized I have no idea what to get you? Well, what’ll it be?
- Secret Santa

Dear Santa,
There are some Really Good People out there in the world who will answer questions life this with goodwill and altruism. They will say things like, “I want to head down to New Orleans and help build houses for Habitat for Humanity,” or “I want everyone to be able to afford for feed themselves and still be able to pay for heating oil.” Etc. Now, as I already said, these are Really Good People, and these answers are extremely noble and kind, and everything else that is Really Good.

I’m not one of those people. I have things that I need, and other things that I want, that have nothing to do with Katrina or earthquake victims or oil prices (unless you want to give me a gas card.) You could even say I’m a Really Not Good Person, and you’d be right. So with that understanding, here’s my wish list. It really comes down to three categories.

I really do need a new computer. And by need I mean that mine is starting to get really pissed at me for not letting it go gently into that good night.

The rest of these are just to make my life more comfortable or happy.

Big huge pillows
The Perfect Winter Coat. (WARNING: The perfect Winter Coat is a very specific item and I would not advise you to attempt to pay for one unless I’m there to tell you that it is indeed the Perfect Winter Coat.)
Cute pajamas
socks (can be of the very-thick, knee, or novelty variety)
Books: for the list of books to choose from, see my post on why the publishing gods hate me. Or, if you want to make things easy on yourself: a $50 gift card to a bookstore… any bookstore.
movies: Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy or Fever Pitch (The Red Sox fans edition, if you please)
Here’s my attempt at being noble: I want people to stop with the stupid. It drives me crazy. You can do better. There’s a mind in there of your very own that will do whatever. You just have to try it. LEARN and APPLY and THINK and stuff. You’ll be better off. And that will make me happy. I promise that you don’t even have to agree with me. We can have some really fun arguments if you don’t.

Stocking Stuffers:

- I collect shot glasses, decks of cards and chess sets. Or at least I would if I had enough to call them “collections.”
- Mugs. I saw a great one yesterday that said, “I don’t listen to the voices in my head. But they do have some pretty good ideas.” But really, any mug would rock.
- Tea
- Candles that smell like dessert is in the oven… pumpkin pie, apple pie, gingerbread, cookies, cake, etc.

And don’t forget the Christmas cards. If you write me one, I’ll write you one back, ok? Thank you Santa.
- Miss Eliza


At 2:26 AM, Blogger LD said...

Are you registered anywhere. Would make things easier.

And how awesome are Christmas Wish lists. Really exemplify the season, no? WWLD? (The L stands for Linus - Linus Van Pelt)


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